church, worship, place of worship, Screen Innovations, Sony, Vanco, protector, HD 16x9, new Berlin, Milwaukee. New Berlin

Place Of Worship: New Berlin, WI

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Place Of Worship HD 16×9 Two Screen Upgrade

  • Sony HD Projector
  • Screen Innovation’s 133” 16×9 HD format screens

BC Neville Tech was called in by this place of worship we had previously worked to upgrade the cabling from Component cabling to HDMI cabling from their control board to the two Sony HD projectors currently in place.

Once this image quality upgrade was complete, the next step in the client’s fiscal improvement plan was to increase the size of the old 4:3 screens, which were in place with larger 16×9 HD format screens. Our design team worked with the worship and church leadership to select the most appropriate screens for their application.

At BC Neville Tech, we have over 20 years of industry-leading experience working with architects, builders, clients, and management, to deliver the desired result. This client landed on Screen Innovation’s 133” 16×9 HD format screens.

BC Neville Tech’s experienced technicians removed the existing screens and installed the two larger Screen Innovation HD formatted screens.

Project Note: BC Neville Tech’s installation staff designed and fabricated a custom floating bracket system to accommodate the client’s desired application.

Please contact us for your custom application.

Our unparalleled staff brings unique skillsets allowing us to design and implement custom-fabricated results in metal, stone, and wood.

Please see some of our project photos displaying just some of the custom fabrication BC Neville Tech has developed for other clients.